Abalone Tiny Mixed Rainbow Beige Naturals, 3/8" Round 2-hole, 10mm, Pack of 50 Buttons for $9.00 # LP-49-50
COLOR MIX of 144 Mother of Pearl 3/8" 2-Hole Small Shell Buttons, 10mm, Pack of 144 Buttons #LP-56
Blue Psychedelic Abstract Shell, 9/16" Colorful 14mm 2-Hole Button, Pack of 20 # LP-76
Re-Stocked, White with Butterscotch Highlights 3/8" River Shell 2-Hole 9mm Button, Pack of 75/80 # LP-68
Pearl Moon Shell Beads, 1/2" White Iridescent 12mm, Strand of 34 beads # LP-75
White Shell 4-Hole 7/16"- 1/2" Small Rimmed 11mm Button, Pack of 40 # LP-74
Re-Stocked, Graphite Silvery Charcoal 3/8" Tiny Shiny Iridescent Shell, 10mm Pack of 100 Buttons # LP-48
LAST ONE, Lotus Flower Handpainted Czech Glass Button Gold/Peach 1-1/16" #SC-256-G
Swarovski Button, Teal/Amethyst Tiny True Crystal 1/4" / 6mm, Vitrail, #SC1390