Chickadee Pearl Shell Button 1-3/8" #SC-1238
Cats in Blanket Pearl Shell Button 1-3/8" #SC-1653 Kittens
Re-Stocked Chick Playing Cello Large Pearl Shell Button 1-3/8" #SC-1651
Re-Stocked, Moon Face Tiny Blue Pearl Button 1/2" Susan Clarke #SC-109
Angel Bunny by Susan Clarke, 7/8" Sculpted, Hand Painted Metal Shank Button
Pearl Moon Shell Beads, 1/2" White Iridescent 12mm, Strand of 34 beads # LP-75
Robin Mother of Pearl Shell Shank Back Artisan Button by Susan Clarke Originals 1-3/8" #SC-1525
Elephant Beads, Tiny White Shell, 7/16" Pack of TEN 11mm Elephants, MOP #LP-94
SALE, Heart Bead, Chubby Primitive Handpainted White Porcelain/Indigo Moon + Stars 5/8"/ 15mm #LP-22
Butterfly Angel Moonrise Mother of Pearl 11/16" Iridescent Button 17mm, Pack of 4, #KB-931
Re-Stocked, Pearl Moon Shell Beads, 1/2" White Iridescent 12mm, Strand of 34 beads # LP-75